Street Hamburger ♫ ♪ ~ Heta-Strips This morning going way to school with my dad we were listening to "Panorama Informativo" when turned on the radio were talking about the favorite foods of presidents
with the style humor Presidential Island.
favorite food of Hugo Chavez? The Capybara, a large rodent that is widely consumed in Bolivia (hahaha the bromance Hugo / Evo continued)
favorite food Lula da Silva? "Food! but with cachaça (sugar cane alcohol very popular in Brazil, apparently)
favorite food Evo Morales? jankakipa Laguar corn, shark fin soup cornmeal, beef or chicken [GM omg gays], red pepper, potatoes, peas, carrots, oregano, parsley and spices .
favorite food Cristina Kirchner?
sweetbreads and pork (said to eat it improves sexual activity:
The roast beef and white tequila, that is happy with the Mexican president.
BUT ....
Yes! Obama is fond of fast food (like a Hero) xD The full story here ---> -dishes-favorite-of-the-presidentes.htm