Thursday, February 3, 2011

Work Dresses For Women

Refrain: God críay flock together
Eaters: Crabbe, Goyle, Mulciber, Nott, Yaxley

In a breath of air, moving the hand, breathes life into those fetuses to these cells. Unknown Nott, Goyle unknown, unknown Crabbe, Mulciber unknown, unknown Yaxley, known ... Children of any family. Souls and all, created at a time or wrong time or close enough to know. Because God created, God gives a body and soul, God's offspring. It gives a family and an education, receive affection, hatred, admiration, disgust ... All that the soul needs to learn something in this life. Learned about a thousand languages and dances, musical instruments, math, stories, spells. Others, however, learned to hide their feelings under a dark cloak, to maintain a perfect poker face and without a hint of emotion, to defend the fort and the ready in every way possible. Having been born in similar, yet worlds apart, it is not surprising that do not match, this happens to anyone. Have grown up with similar ideals in the midst of a world of magic, but even the magicians are few, not all together and know more and more. Genealogical trees to be darker and branching and give children who in turn have darker and children. And the unknown becomes even more anonymous. Son of the nephew of the grandfather of the brother of Mr. Nott, Nott unknown. Grandson of the woman's second husband, uncle of the great magician Goyle, Goyle unknown. Uncle's nephew's father's brother's son Crabbe. Crabbe unknown. Adopted son of the butcher of the corner of the attorney for Mr. Yaxley, Yaxely unknown. Savior of the famous magician uncle, great uncle's friend's daughter ... Unknown.

And then do what they want. As a writer whose characters are revealed, they are coupled. Have gone on their own feet. Nobody has sent anything. Have followed where the education of their parents had, each in his way. But they were not parallel tracks. Roads were not like that do not cross, those of which you hear and you'll never know. Roads were in the same point in their lives intersected. Converged all at the same point, more or less distance from the beginning of the road, and that point had a name: Lord Voldemort. A magician dark and gloomy that attracted families so different and so similar to each other, which was only one common point: the blood. That blood so clean that shares the same contempt for Muggles and dirty blood. And after all, the agency that created them, has made so many that work has gotten out of hand. Has done a hundred, two hundred, which in turn have created the triple, quadruple. Nott unknown, unknown, Crabbe, Goyle unknown, unknown Yaxley, unknown Mulciber ... Birds of a feather, yes, and they are coming together. Críay God they are coupled to your choice. If it had to be done, someone would have told you, because God released sooner rather than later, abandoned, what could they do?


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