Sunday, January 2, 2011

Electrolysis Water Amonia

My beautiful steak

Bien, no me preguntéis qué es esto. Creo que está en parte provocado por la decepción que creó en mi la película de Crepúsculo, comparada con el libro, que debo ser sincera, me enganchó hasta no hacer los deberes de clase. Bien, creo que de todas formas, el hígado de vaca está buenísimo, mucho más que cualquier otra the animal. So this fact distinguishes it from other threads. Besides that this story is completely opposite to Twilight. Let me explain. While in the book, the two lovers live for eternity, here ... Read:

Edward Cullen is an ordinary guy. Has red hair and golden eyes, but very often have dark circles, which makes them black. Just a little problem, which is the base for everything bad that is in life: he is addicted to beef liver. His parents have tried every means to stop eating just that, because the meat is good, but too much, bad. All of a sudden, the whole family has become vegetarian. At home only eat lettuce, tomato, onion, beans, squash, watermelon, lemon, cheese, bread and water. And sometimes fish. But it is a luxury. Edward Cullen
When asleep, dreaming of steaks liver. When can you return to see one?
His parents decided to give him a liver filetito for his birthday, to see him happy and no dark circles overnight. What was not expected was that emotion, Edward fell in love steak. Did not want to eat it but it smelled so well, and had the texture so delicious ... To avoid falling into temptation, not fried steak Edward: I froze to preserve it. And every night was going to look at how lay the steak in the freezer.
But one day the lights went out around town and even the wealthy Cullen had to be lit. Seemed to returning to the stone age. And in the stone age, no freezers. Gradually, the liver was thawed fillet. Was slowly reviving. When that night Edward opened the fridge, it was hot and sticky again! She could not help, cut a piece, so when I went to eat fríoy, another fan of the beef came through the door. I wanted to take it off! He even hit a bite. Edward could not tolerate that and killed the fan. After freezing the steak again.
was not sure why that steak exercised much attraction for him. Perhaps because it was the last steak that came out of the last healthy cow. Now, with the disease de las vacas locas no se podía seguir tomando hígado. Quizás por eso el fanático había aparecido. Edward se esforzaba en comerse esas ensaladas que preparaba su madre, pero el recuerdo del filete podía con él y por las noches ya ni siquiera dormía.
Poco a poco se fue consumiendo. Sin dormir, sin comer hierro, sin cuidarse, sólo obsesionado con el filete... Sus padres, preocupados, no sabían qué hacer. Entonces su hermano tuvo una idea. Le propondrían a Edward que sacase su filete del congelador para que estuviese tan vivo como él. Edward no quería, but the steak was fríoy was bored in the freezer so here at the end agreed to it. And as he aged prematurely for lack of care, the beautiful steak was rotting with him.


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