Sunday, January 23, 2011

Guardsman Furniture Protection

Refrain: All's fair in love and war
Death Eater: Bellatrix Lestrange

Bellatrix Lestrange is a warrior innate. In every battle is won. He comes out only, there is no question. Synchronized

, Cruci, kills, tears, spell here, there, there Stupefy ... Avada Kedavra.

Sirius front costs, it is family and that she did not care, or so he thinks. Or so he thinks. The family has always mattered. Your problem is hate. He has an incredible animosity and anger and hatred always have been bad in a fight. He has a grudge because he had taken the position of heir. His cousin, yes, small, yes, but man, and that's what mattered at that time.

When you are invaded by bad feelings becomes awkward. Bella may be more clumsy than usual. But Sirius has a major problem. Is laughter. The jokes have always been his forte. From first to last, Sirius was a walking joke. But the poor can not live without laughing and laughing is when he kills.

That's cheating, Bella. I was distracted! And distracted. It would be a good knight of the Middle Ages ... One of those with levels of Maya, long swords and riding it down from his horse if his opponent had fallen to earth ... Do you think that ensures victory? Not to be cavalier win more battles. But calculating, Sirius, cunning. That they never were. That which demonstrated the Hat. That that it is Bella. Seize the minimum distraction to deliver the final blow.

Because in war anything goes. Until they leave you without giving you anything after killing. Or just the winners. All killed on the losing side often go unpunished. And here was you who lost. And dead, one can not punish. "Why punish? If however you did not kill anyone.

After this battle, the issue of prophecy is almost nil. Although no one goes unpunished to the Dark Lord angry. Not if you've lost what he wanted.

Search. Bella used to find anything that was lost. He was good looking. But despair also dulls the brain and Bella did not know where to look before to end where it ended.

Remember well when I was looking for him, one that should not be appointed, the Dark Lord. The same as looking after the prophecy was lost. And just as he is busy, she is searching.

was desperate. Her husband, Rodolphus, trying to calm her. But she's obsessed, almost in love with a spark of madness in her black eyes, sickened by the great magician ... No atendĂ­aa reasons. He could not have died. He was still alive somewhere.

needed to ease his pain make others feel the same. With a vengeance. The Longbottom the work seemed to help. Letting torture. Bursting into cries and lamentations. Become as crazy as her. Crucio, Cruci, Crucio. All with crucian. Because Bella was an innate warrior. Longbottom And obviously knew nothing. I know, I know, they do not know me at all. But Bella needed an ice-cold revenge, revenge for the pain to the happy lovers.

even end up begging. I do not know, do not know. I do not know where he is. I have no idea. Scream. Supplicate. And there is blood and broken bones. And crazy. Madness fills the air. I know you do not know where he is, but this is war. And in war anything goes, is not it?. But Bella, do you think this is war? Is not it love?

Whatever. If completed, in love and war anything goes. And I do not come with complaints. Anything goes, I say. Anything goes. All's fair in love and war.


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